
Blog Lauren Brown
Q4 Winter Alliance Connect
Welcome to the latest issue of Alliance Connect, a newsletter keeping you up to date on the latest news and…

Blog Houston Carbon Capture
CCS Alliance 2024 Year-in-Review
In 2024, the Houston CCS Alliance had an exceptional year, hosting over 50 events that provided opportunities to connect with…

Blog Houston Carbon Capture
2024 Global Status of CCS Report shows record number of projects in CCS pipeline, global capture capacity on track to double
The Global CCS Institute recently released its annual Global Status of CCS Report, which underscores key milestones in the development…

En la prensa Houston Carbon Capture
Growth of carbon capture and storage will bring jobs to the Coastal Bend
In the next decade, forecasts suggest that demand for electricity in Texas will nearly double.

En Español Houston Carbon Capture
La CCS Houston CCS Alliance organiza entrega comunitaria de árboles en Galena Park
La Houston CCS Alliance reunió a miembros de la comunidad de toda la ciudad al ofrecer árboles gratuitos e información…

Blog Houston Carbon Capture
Houston CCS Alliance Hosts Community Tree Giveaway in Galena Park
The Houston CCS Alliance brought together community members from across Houston by providing free trees and information on carbon capture…

En Español Houston Carbon Capture
La Houston CCS Alliance discute oportunidades laborales para CCS con educadores técnicos.
La Alianza de CAC de Houston realizó una presentación en la Conferencia Americana de Educación Técnica el 17 de Octubre…

Blog Houston Carbon Capture
Houston CCS Alliance Discusses Workforce Opportunities for CCS with Technical Educators
The Alliance presented at the American Technical Education Conference on October 17 in Pasadena, which brought together higher education professionals…

En Español Houston Carbon Capture
ExxonMobil reclama la mayor concesión de almacenamiento de CO? en alta mar en los EE.UU.
ExxonMobil recientemente aseguró la mayor concesión de almacenamiento de CO? en alta mar en los EE. UU. a través de…

Blog Houston Carbon Capture
ExxonMobil Claims Largest Offshore CO2 Storage Lease in the US
ExxonMobil recently secured the largest offshore CO2 storage lease in the U.S. with the Texas General Land Office (GLO). The…

En Español Houston Carbon Capture
Calpine organiza una jornada de puertas abiertas en la comunidad junto con el Departamento de Energía para presentar el proyecto CAC de Baytown.
Calpine organiza una jornada de puertas abiertas en la comunidad junto con el DDE para presentar el proyecto CAC de…

Blog Houston Carbon Capture
Calpine hosts community open house with the Department of Energy showcasing Baytown CCS project
Calpine hosted an open house with the Department of Energy?s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) on Tuesday, October 15,…

En Español Houston Carbon Capture
Q3 Boletín de Otoño
Bienvenido a la última edición de Alliance Connect, un boletín informativo que te mantiene al día con las últimas noticias…

Blog Houston Carbon Capture
Q3 Fall Alliance Connect
Welcome to the latest issue of Alliance Connect, a newsletter keeping you up to date on the latest news and…

Blog Houston Carbon Capture
CCS development could expand Permanent School Fund, decrease property taxes in Texas
The Bureau of Economic Geology?s Dr. Timothy ?Tip? Meckel, a research scientist studying geologic carbon storage at the University of…

En Español Houston Carbon Capture
El desarrollo de CAC podría expandir el Fondo Permanente para la Educación y reducir los impuestos de propiedad en Texas.
El Dr. Timothy "Tip" Meckel, de la Oficina de Geología Económica, un científico investigador que estudia el almacenamiento geológico de…

En Español Houston Carbon Capture
Líderes Empresariales urgen a la Agencia de Protección Ambiental a Aprobar la Solicitud de Texas para la Autoridad Regulatoria de Almacenamiento de Carbono
El 7 de octubre de 2024, 32 organizaciones empresariales destacadas de todo Texas enviaron una carta a la administradora de…

Blog Houston Carbon Capture
Business Leaders Urge EPA to Approve Texas? Application for Carbon Storage Regulatory Authority
In a letter submitted on October 7, 2024, 32 leading business organizations from across Texas appealed to US Environmental Protection…

En la prensa Houston Carbon Capture
Column: Why carbon capture and storage is a win for Jefferson Co.
As our energy and manufacturing industries evolve to meet new global sustainability goals and rising long-term production demand, carbon capture…

Blog Houston Carbon Capture
Texas Association of Business Economic Impact Study Shows Transformative Economic Benefits from Expansion of Carbon Capture and Storage
This week, The Texas Association of Business (TAB) unveiled its new economic study, which showcases the massive financial impact the…
- Blog 41
- En Español 26
- En la prensa 34
- Notas de prensa 9
- Investigación 5